Worship Ministries


St. Hilda’s Altar Guild

Members of St. Hilda’s Altar Guild perform some of the most important services as they prepare the Sanctuary for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The Guild cares for the laundering of all the sacred linens used at the altar and vestments worn by the clergy. They are responsible for polishing the brass altar candles, sterling silver chalices and other sacred vessels used in the Eucharist and keep a supply of communion breads and wine in stock. Guild members perform most of their ministry ‘behind the scenes’ but are integral to our common worship life.  The also prepare for special liturgies celebrated for funerals, baptisms weddings and other special services during Holy Week leading up to the Great Festival of Easter. 

Chalice Bearers/Chalicists

The ministry of service by those selected as Chalicists is carried out by adult parishioners and young people who have reached the 11th grade in high school. They assist the Celebrant at Communion by administering the Chalice  containing the consecrated wine, the Blood of Christ. Chalicists are invited to serve in this ministry at the discretion of the Rector. Chalicists also serve at funerals, weddings and memorial services and at our weekly Eucharist of Healing.


Lectors are assigned to read from Hebrew Scripture and the New Testament at  both Eucharists on Sunday, at the various services during Holy Week and at other liturgies.


During the Holy Eucharist, usually after the praying of the Nicene Creed, Intercessors lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People using one of the several prayer forms from the Book of Common Prayer selected for that Sunday. 


Usher/greeters are responsible for welcoming worshippers on Sunday and at special liturgies throughout the year. They distribute the Service Bulletin as people enter and if necessary, escort people to their pew or assist in locating rest rooms or the parish nursery. During Holy Communion, the ushers direct worshippers as they rise and approach the sanctuary to receive the Sacrament. Before Communion, the ushers take a count of the congregation in order to have the proper amount of communion hosts consecrated during the mass

St. John’s Senior Choir

The Senior Choir works faithfully and diligently to contribute to this music ministry. They give of their time and talent to create music in praise of God and their combined voices add immeasurably to the beauty of our worship services.

Members of the Senior Choir rehearse on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Bond Parish Hall. On Sunday mornings, the vocalists meet in the Choir Loft at 9:15 a.m. for warm-up and review.

We continue to celebrate the sounds of our wonderful Charles Fisk tracker organ and it is a constant source of pleasure to all who hear it at St. John’s. Additionally, instrumentalists add their own musical contributions to our services throughout the year.

For additional choir information, visit with Dr. John Anthony, Organist and Choirmaster, at church on any given Sunday or call him at 860.739.2324. Come sing with us!

Treble Choir


St. John's Treble Choir is a special ministry for boys and girls who enjoy singing!

Currently looking for new members.

Acolytes/Altar Servers

At St. John’s, acolytes serve each Sunday at the 10:00 am celebration of Holy Eucharist. Our acolytes serve in a variety of ways. Here’s a list of the various they participate and a brief description.

  1. Crucifer

  2. Torch bearers

  3. Altar Servers

  4. Gospel Book Bearer