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Pebble Beach

Parish Life Ministries


Throughout Scripture, the “ministry of hospitality” is held up as a critical part of every faith community. Each Sunday, parish volunteers sign up to prepare and serve light refreshments in the Parish Hall following the Holy Eucharist. “Hospitality Time” or coffee hour, provides an opportunity to gather in an informal setting to visit with old friends, meet new ones, and welcome visitors who have come to worship with us that day. Contact Kathy Cole for more information if you are interested in hosting a coffee hour.






Throughout the program year, speakers are invited to St. John’s to represent various community agencies and to speak to various issues such as the opioid crisis, Alzheimer’s Disease, suicide prevention, racism, homelessness, and more. The work of our Hospitality Ministers contributes this time of fellowship each week. Suggestions for Forum topics are welcome.






Our Pastoral Care lay ministers work closely with the Rector in providing a connection to those among us who are homebound, hospitalized or living in care facilities. Members of our Pastoral Care Team often are also Lay Eucharistic Minister and bring the consecrated Sacrament of Holy Communion. Lay ministers meet regularly with the Rector to share updates, concerns and general information that helps St. John’s keep in contact with parishioners unable to worship with us.


We provide Pastoral Care not only by Clergy and lay minister visitations, but also with Sisters of Prayer, Prayer Shawl Guild, and Card Ministry.






The members of the Sisters of Prayer meet weekly to offer Intercessory Prayer for those whose names have been submitted to us for special attention. A Prayer Request box is located just outside the Sacristy in church. Prayer requests are written on note cards and slipped into the locked box. All prayer requests and information shared with the Sisters of Prayer are considered confidential. Special concerns that come to the attention of the Sisters of Prayer are passed along to the Rector when necessary.






The Knitting Guild meets regularly to work on producing Prayer Shawls and Prayer Cloths to be provided to individuals anticipating potentially life-changing events or surgical procedures; to young mothers following the birth of a child and many other occasion. Contact Jean Wiseman for more information.






Our gardening committee takes great pride in beautifying our grounds including the Memorial Garden. They are responsible for planting, weeding, pruning and maintaining the beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees.






St. John's Card Ministry members know how important it is to stay connected. They send cards to homebound parishioners for events such as birthdays, Valentine's Day, Easter and Christmas, and they send sympathy cards when appropriate.



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