St John’s Senior Choir


The Senior Choir works faithfully and diligently to contribute to this music ministry. They give of their time and talent to create music in praise of God and their combined voices add immeasurably to the beauty of our worship services.

Members of the Senior Choir rehearse on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Bond Parish Hall. On Sunday mornings, the vocalists meet in the Choir Loft at 9:15 a.m. for warm-up and review.

We continue to celebrate the sounds of our wonderful Charles Fisk tracker organ and it is a constant source of pleasure to all who hear it at St. John’s. Additionally, instrumentalists add their own musical contributions to our services throughout the year.

For additional choir information, visit with Dr. John Anthony, Organist and Choirmaster, at church on any given Sunday or call him at 860.739.2324. Come sing with us!